Thank you for scheduling your pet(s) with SpayOK for spay/neuter surgery, helping curb the community’s overpopulation of unwanted and euthanized pets.
- Required fields Asterisks (*) indicate required fields. You cannot submit the form until all required fields have been filled out.
- EFFECTIVE 7/1/2022 - A required rabies vaccination will be given to any animal over 16 weeks (or by our doctor's discretion) at the cost of $5 unless proof of current rabies documentation is provided at the time of your appointment.
- Multiple pets You may schedule multiple pets per appointment. A separate form is required for each pet.
- Appointment confirmation If you have not received confirmation from us within 48 business hours, please be sure to check your email spam folder. Email us at if you do not find the confirmation. Appointment requests made on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be approved on Monday.
- Rescheduling or canceling If you are making a change to your appointment, please give us 48 hours (or more) notice. We have a strict 1 time reschedule policy.
- Deposit We require payment in full before you can book an appointment.
- Financial Assistance SpayOK may be able to offer financial assistance to those in need and who meet income qualifications. Please contact a SpayOK representative at 918-728-3144 or for more information. You may estimate your pet’s surgery expense by checking prices on our Services and Costs tab on
- Help with the appointment form If you have difficulty completing the appointment request, call us at 918-728-3144 or

Name: If unknown, enter “Dog” or “Cat”.
Sex: If unknown, choose Female.
Age and Weight: Estimates are okay.
Breed: We need your best guess, not “Mutt”. For cats, you may choose Domestic Short Hair, Medium Hair, or Long Hair
Date: You must fill out the entire form in order to select a date. You may need to scroll up the page to see the list of possible dates.